The most entertaining AI you’ll ever see

From animation to gaming, AI is embedded where even ML researchers wouldn't expect.

Welcome (back) to AI Minds, a newsletter about the brainy and sometimes zany world of AI, brought to you by the Deepgram editorial team.

In this edition:

  • 🧪 The latest research in AI video generation and animation

  • 🐥 Voice-controlled Flappy Bird is the new hardest game ever

  • 📺 AI you’ve never noticed: Top 4 (subtle) ML use cases in entertainment

  • 🎮 Coding tutorial: How to call and interact with your video game with your phone

  • 🧠 The Definitive AI + SEO Playbook: Key insights to startup growth.

  • 🐦 Giving AI brains to video game NPCs: A Twitter demo

  • 📲 Three new trending AI Apps!

  • 🎯 Who do humans prefer to play games with? Humans or machines?

  • 🎥 Your kid may already be watching AI videos on YouTube…

  • 🚀 How to build the Universal Translator from Star Trek

  • 🧨 The impact of generative AI on Hollywood

Thanks for letting us crash your inbox; let’s party. 🎉 

We coded with the brand-new Whisper-v3 over the past week, and the results were not what we expected. Check it out here!

🧑‍🔬 AI Movies and Animation: Can ML Researchers make movies?

MovieLLM: Enhancing Long Video Understanding with AI-Generated Movies - This paper introduces MovieLLM, a novel framework designed to create synthetic, high-quality data for long videos. This framework leverages the power of GPT-4 and text-to-image models to generate detailed scripts and corresponding visuals.

AI and animated character design: efficiency, creativity, interactivity - “This paper explores the multifaceted relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and animation character design, with a particular focus on efficiency, creativity, and interactivity. Adopting an interpretative phenomenological method, we delve into the understanding of these aspects by analyzing the application of AI in animation character design, providing a unique perspective to explore the perceptions and experiences of animators and audiences in this context.”

📽️ Voice-controlled Flappy Bird is impossible

Enjoy this video of Jose Francisco getting hilariously frustrated with Yappy Bird—the voice controlled version of the classic 2010s app. It fuses the latest AI speech-to-text models with the addictive mobile game.

🏇 How entertaining can AI really be?

Top 4 Text-to-Speech Uses in Entertainment & Media: When AI blends in - Whether you’re in the film industry, the gaming industry, or the social media industry, there’s undoubtedly a use case for AI in your domain. This article covers the top four most popular (and sometimes unseen) use cases of AI in various domains within entertainment.

Calling your Video Game with your Phone Part 1- This article is the first in a 3-part series describing how you can use various AI providers to make phone calls which patch into your video game via a websocket server. That is, you can talk to your video game and its characters!

🧠 The Definitive AI + SEO Playbook: Key insights to startup growth

In this upcoming workshop, Deepgram CMO Marcel Santilli gives you the full guide on AI-fueled organic startup growth alongside Marketing Expert Hank Taylor. Check it out!

Where: Live instruction via Zoom

When: 9am-2pm Pacific Time

Sign up here!

🐝 Social media buzz

AugxLabs - Augie is an AI video editing assistant that transforms text scripts, narration audio or webcam/phone recordings into custom videos. It allows anyone to create professional-looking videos in minutes without any editing skills required.

Devi AI is an AI-powered social media assistant that helps businesses automate lead generation, monitoring, outreach, content creation, and scheduling. It uses artificial intelligence to find and engage with high-intent leads across platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, and more. Monitor keywords to find leads & outreach using AI!

Vizologi is an AI-powered software that helps businesses generate ideas, gain market insights, analyze competitors, and automate business plan creation. From brainstorming to getting data-driven insights on markets, trends, and competitors, Vizologi is a fascinating and efficient tool for you and your team!

🤖 Additional Bits and Bytes

Here are some quick links to some cool things we found this week!