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  • Elon Musk on GPT & Gemini, Med Students Review Neuralink, and Conversational AI

Elon Musk on GPT & Gemini, Med Students Review Neuralink, and Conversational AI

Elon thinks GPT should train on truth, Top 5 underrated AI apps of May 2024, and Neuralink scrutinized by Med Students

Welcome (back) to AI Minds, a newsletter about the brainy and sometimes zany world of AI, brought to you by the Deepgram editorial team.

In this edition:

  • 🤖 Elon Musk discusses GPT, Starlink, Gemini, and more

  • 🏥 Medical Students Review Neuralink

  • 📎 The Original Neuralink Paper by Elon Musk

  • 🖊️ New, Free AI Transcription Tool!

  • 🐦 Twitter on Jarvis, Speech Synthesis, and Neuralink

  • 🖥️ Last Chance to Sign Up for Conversational AI Agents Webinar!

  • 🧠 RTXs and H100s: The Theory Behind GPUs

  • 🏆 Top 5 Underrated AI Tools of May 2024

  • 📱 Two new trending AI Apps for you and your business!

  • 🎙️ AI Minds Podcast with CEO & Founder Roy Hermann

Thanks for letting us crash your inbox; let’s party. 🎉

Deepgram just released a brand new text-to-speech model called Aura! Check it out here. 🥳

From serious topics like AI’s commitment to truth and transparency to more jovial topics like whether or not aliens are already present on Earth, this 40-minute interview with Elon Musk reveals all.

An Examination of Prospective Uses and Future Directions of Neuralink: The Brain-Machine Interface - This paper provides insight into Neuralink’s design, early testing, and future applications in neurosurgery. While early testing with small and large animals show promising results, no clinical trials have been conducted to date. Nevertheless, this paper takes a step forward in reviewing this new technology from neurological experts’ perspectives.

An Integrated Brain-Machine Interface Platform With Thousands of Channels - For deeper insight into how Neuralink works, check out this paper by Elon Musk himself to see how this new technology will integrate itself into the human brain end-to-end.

📝 Free Transcription Forever! New Speech-to-Text AI Tool

Check out the LinkedIn post below to see what CMO Marcel Santilli has in store for you! If you want or need free transcription, check out the video attached to the post to see what Deepgram has to offer.

🐝 Social Media Buzz: Jarvis and Neuralink

💻 New Webinar: The Future of Conversational Agents

Discover the future of Voice AI agents with industry leaders Scott Stephenson, CEO of Deepgram & Kwindla Hultman Kramer, CEO of Daily in an upcoming panel conversation hosted by VUX World. RSVP today!

Where: Online

When: May 30th 9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 5pm BST | 6pm CEST

Sign-up here!

🏇 GPU Theory and Top 5 Underrated AI Apps of May 2024

NVIDIA, RTXs, H100, and more: The Evolution of GPU - This article takes you on a journey through time, exploring the progression of AI hardware from its theoretical beginnings to the cutting-edge technologies that power today’s AI boom.

Top 5 Underrated AI Tools of May 2024 - Apps and tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Jasper, and Synthesia are demonstrating how far AI has come and highlighting the potential of the technology. However, there are a few incredible tools you may not have heard of… Find them here!

Granola is an unexpectedly simple notepad for meetings. It works like a regular notepad, except that it also transcribes everything that’s being said in the background. When the meeting ends, it uses whatever notes you’ve written, plus details from the transcript, to write you fantastic notes.

Goodcall has emerged as a transformative tool in the quest to enhance customer service, streamline operations, and boost revenue—offering an AI phone assistant designed to meet the diverse needs of local businesses.

🎙️ AI Minds Podcast! 

In this episode, Roy Hermann talks about the content creation industry, with a particular focus on the potential of advanced AI and technological innovations. 

He considers the changing landscape of content creation, presenting the SuperCreator app, an innovation which aims to empower both creators and non-creators alike to produce quality content, all the while employing the latest AI technologies including GPT-4 vision.